Name: Alicia Goff Age: 19 Film Title: Director, Editor, Producer
I go to school at OCC and have made several short films. I love working together with people and am always willing to help out with other people's films! I also like to play tennis when I find the time. :)
Hey thanks for sending me your general info form! I posted you up, check it out
If you need me to change anything let me know. Thanks Alicia!
Awsome Alicia, thanks for putting that bio up. If you have any questions or suggestions let me know. So you still making that short film in a few weeks?
Awsome to have you on board Alicia! If you want to make a small bio telling us what you do and who you are that would be great.
What you should do is go on to your page and look for the empty "text box" that the site gave you when you made a profile (it should be down and in the middle of your page) you can then drag that text box where you want it to be on your and press "edit" on the "text box" allowing you to write inside of the "text box" itself.
If you need an example of a bio you can go to my page and read mine. If you have any other questions or suggestions please don't be afraid to contact me on my page or email me at Thanks Again!
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If you need me to change anything let me know. Thanks Alicia!
What you should do is go on to your page and look for the empty "text box" that the site gave you when you made a profile (it should be down and in the middle of your page) you can then drag that text box where you want it to be on your and press "edit" on the "text box" allowing you to write inside of the "text box" itself.
If you need an example of a bio you can go to my page and read mine. If you have any other questions or suggestions please don't be afraid to contact me on my page or email me at Thanks Again!