INSF Members!

Soon it will be the end of fall semester for many of us here on INSF, and I'm sure everyone is stoked to have time to themselves! At the same time we are all very busy with finals coming up. It's a lot of hard work trying to find ways to procrastinate your way out of studying, until finally the day before finals week comes up, but to some of us it really becomes second nature. Or maybe that's just me....

So far we have been growing in head count every week, and now we even have a band (from the UK to say the least). Things are slow for us now, but the INSF Officers, myself included, garuntee that once winter break hits we will be working harder than ever to get our little society of student filmmakers noticed. So keep hanging in their INSF members and expect a lot of activity this winter. Thanks everyone for being so awsome!

Keep Spreading the Word,
Bobby Bishop

P.S. Don't forget, if you want me to post you or your films please talk to me so I can post you!

P.S.S. Rember to sign up for the INSF Contest! It all goes down January 5th so bring your A game!

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Tags: Break, INSF, Winter

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