These are Taj's words in the blog below:
i would appreciate you reading and following me on twitter@richbad25 for all the upcoming exciting details:
"After this, we're doing films."
SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 2010 AT 12:00AM
Those were the final words my uncle Michael would ever say to me.
It was at the end of our family day at a Beverly Hills Indian restaurant. While I was saying my goodbyes to the rest of my family, I went up to my uncle and hugged him. I told…
Added by RICH B on January 13, 2010 at 19:39 —
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the pilot is called,code-z and its about an outbreak that infects the city and these 3 triplets become reluctant heroes who are immune to the virus and kill the newly transformed zombies.i play specialist johnson who fights to kill the zombies and save any survivors as should be pretty cool it is created in the spirit of buffy or angel.
Added by RICH B on January 7, 2010 at 15:29 —
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INSF Members!
Soon it will be the end of fall semester for many of us here on INSF, and I'm sure everyone is stoked to have time to themselves! At the same time we are all very busy with finals coming up. It's a lot of hard work trying to find ways to procrastinate your way out of studying, until finally the day before finals week comes up, but to some of us it really becomes second nature. Or maybe that's just me....
So far we have been growing in head count every week,…
Added by Bobby Bishop on November 23, 2009 at 0:05 —
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Antiqcool: Girl in a Room — Wistful, sad and beautifully spare track with acoustic guitar, vocals and synth.
Free Music Monday

Added by Pete Smith on November 16, 2009 at 19:22 —
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In a perfect world we would give all our music away for free and survive on touring revenue, merchandising and licensing income. Alas this is not always possible. In order to eat we have to sell a few CD’s. The good news is that much of our catalog has been released under this creative commons license We have made many Antiqcool songs free to download for a reason, we want you to…
Added by Pete Smith on November 14, 2009 at 21:30 —
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INSF President Bobby Bishop spoke with Paul Fishman from ABC’s hit show Dancing With The Stars. Mr. Fishman shares how he gained success in Hollywood and gives his opinion on networking in the entertainment industry.
“Trust me when I say it isn’t easy to make it big in the entertainment industry. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get into the position I’m in today; but actually it took even more phone calls, emails, and every other type of networking tool available… Continue
Added by Bobby Bishop on November 3, 2009 at 9:30 —
1 Comment
Does Chat suck or rock? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
Added by Bobby Bishop on November 2, 2009 at 17:21 —
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That's right, INSF is going to start holding it's own
film contests! Our first contest will
not be themed, that way you can choose to do any kind of video you want! You can
send in your film from now until January 10th, so you will have a lot of time to make it! The due date is
January 10th, which is the day we will be having our
first ever social networking event. The event will be a celebration of
INSF's 3rd Month Anniversary and also a mixer for all…
Added by Bobby Bishop on November 1, 2009 at 21:19 —
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Finally we are going to begin posting films and crew information for people to check out. As you can see I add 3 new tabs to the top of the page. After you are done reading this and you want you're info to be posted please download the required form fill it out and send it to Bobby Bishop,
"Download Our Forms" "Films In Production" and "Need Crew?"
I want feedback on how you all feel about the names for the buttons but for now these are three…
Added by Bobby Bishop on October 23, 2009 at 13:00 —
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I went to the OCC film/actor mixer on Monday. They offered free pizza and soda, I didn’t have either. I knew half a dozen of the students at this event. I mingled and exchanged information with the film makers. I am eagerly waiting to star in a student film. I understand it takes time for them to respond. I have to talk to the OCC transfer center tomorrow. I dropped off my common application to be signed by the dean two weeks ago. I returned last week to pick up the documents and they couldn’t…
Added by Alex Cochran on October 20, 2009 at 23:54 —
We have few right now but we should be growing in number soon. For now let's get started. If any of you have a movie you want me to find crew for, please contact me immediately so I can give you directions on what to do. Also if any of you are looking for a film to work on right now contact me as well so I can get you started. Thanks and keep passing the word.
Bobby Bishop
Added by Bobby Bishop on October 20, 2009 at 22:25 —
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Not expecting a large crowd, I went to the Casting Mixer with 40 business cards in my pocket. I left the casting mixer at the end of the day leaving behind all my cards and two pieces of paper, which I had MacGuyvered into homemade business cards. I finally met some of our members in person (Alfredo and Coltyn).
I talked to almost everyone at the casting mixer and when I told people about INSF I recieved nothing but positive comments. Usaully they would say "Wow! Great idea! How do I…
Added by Bobby Bishop on October 19, 2009 at 22:34 —
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I have posted a few film festivals I was able to find on line and posted them in our events box. I will be looking for more and I will also post some internship information soon. Hope the info helps some of you out. If you want to add anything let me know.
Added by Bobby Bishop on October 14, 2009 at 1:10 —
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Finally INSF has a website! It was finalized yesterday so I declared it INSF's Bday! Happy Bday INSF!
10/10/09 - Who Knows!
Added by Bobby Bishop on October 11, 2009 at 12:27 —
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