INSF's 3rd Month Anniversary Contest and Celebration!

That's right, INSF is going to start holding it's own film contests! Our first contest will not be themed, that way you can choose to do any kind of video you want! You can send in your film from now until January 10th, so you will have a lot of time to make it! The due date is January 10th, which is the day we will be having our first ever social networking event. The event will be a celebration of INSF's 3rd Month Anniversary and also a mixer for all INSF members to get together and network live! This will be a great opportunity to finally meet some of our other members! There will be free food and drinks, plus we are going to showing the films from the contest at the event. INSF's top officers will vote on the best film from the contest and the winner will recieve 5 free movie tickets to any Regal Movie Theater. Here are some of the rules for the film contest:
Theme: Anything you would like to do it on!
Time: 1-20 minutes (if longer ask me for approval)
Rating: Language, nudity, and violence allowed. It just can't have an xxx rating.

For more info on the contest rules contact Bobby Bishop.
Phone: 949-533-0968

I just want to thank all of our members for being so awsome! Remeber spread the word and our group will only get bigger!

INSF President Bobby Bishop

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